Monday, August 5, 2013

Because I'm New to Selling and Trading...

I wanted to upload a few credentials for the sake of my online pony-related endeavors.

eBay: mallory4960

Contact me anywhere to verify!


Finally got some shelving up!

An update-- I have learned that I was accepted into a graduate program at Western University for Library Science. 

As a result I am planning to sell off my doubles-- as you can see in the blue tupperware, I have a TON. And the craziest thing is there's another tupperware full (not pictured) with even more to sell!

I'm hoping they all go to good homes.

My lists need updating with all th new stuff I have... Like Megan's Place with all its accessories! (Bought before I got into uni) and a couple really minty ponies and seashells!

Let me know if you want to call dibs on any of my ponies before I put them on the vultures' feeding ground known as eBay!


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

How to Get Pony Hair!

So today I woke up and decided that I wanted to have My Little Pony hair.

You can have it too! I used one part Punky Colours dye in Plum, mixed with one part deep conditioning treatment. If my natural colour was any darker I would've bleached as well. Left it in my hair for 30 minutes and rinsed.

On lightened hair the results would be better but I still like it.

Friday, June 7, 2013

A Custom My Little Balrog

Today I want to blog about this custom My Little Balrog (with removeable horns!!) made by Chris Elliott, a CG artist local to London, Ontario.

Sheer, undiluted awesomeness.

Chris is currently exhibiting some of his work at the Dollirium Doll Emporium in London, Ontario. You should go check it out!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Some Updates on the Blog!


So I'm currently working on some updates *points exitedly towards the upper left-hand side of screen*.

Take a look at my Want and Have Lists over there!

Still under construction.. I powered through the first six years of my collection but I still have the remaining years, special order ponies, etc etc to list on the site. There's only so long I can sit in one place to do this!

*scurries away*

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Welcome to my Nightmare!

This morning I woke up and I thought to myself "how can I make today as difficult for myself as possible on my day off?"

And so naturally, I wandered over to my spare room closet, where I hoard my massive collection of My Little Pony, and dumped them all out of their Tupperware bins on the kitchen floor.

Exhibit A: Two of the three full bins I use to contain my addiction. Don't get me started on the buildings and accessories. Not... yet.

As I repeatedly muttered to myself "Too many ponies..." as though it were a mantra, my partner strode past me with a good-natured chuckle. I'd recently asked him if he'd gotten me my "birthday pony" yet. He'd said "No, but I didn't last year, either." I said..."I guess that means I get two!" He dropped $25 to get me two at the antiques market yesterday.

These are the things I am reduced to doing in order to feed my addiction.

Now, let's be fair. I don't think they're alive, I don't do anything truly messed up like strap them into car seats and ask waitresses to take their orders in restaurants. I just like them. I think they are cute.  


But seriously--

Exhibit B: Most of it.
I had to climb up on a rickety stool to get this shot!
And I still missed a couple buildings and ponies. Damn it.

Exhibit C: My poor cat looking on in terror.

So why am I here, finishing off my pony-ridden day with a pony-ridden blog?

At this point, I feel compelled to point out Rule 20 of The 20 Nerd Commandments: Thou Must Obey the Law of the Golden Mean.

What is the Law? Well, it is thus:

"Any thing that can be purchased, achieved or obtained that consists of a discrete number of individual parts, issues, episodes, or location; such as issues of a comic book, trading cards in a set, or action figures in a line is subject to the Law of the Golden Mean.
'Any nerd in possession of more than 61.8% of the individual items in such a series must, if at all possible, either proceed to acquire each of the remaining items so as to complete the set, or sell one or more items on eBay until the nerd again owns less than 61.8% of the total series.
'If the items owned make up a complete set of a more specific series, the law is satisfied."

I'm just going to put this out there, guys. I ain't selling fifty of my ponies to get under that 61.8%. So that leaves me in a finicky position. I need to get the remaining ponies in the G1 North American Collection!

Exhibit D: Because who really needs 6 (I found another one later) 1983 Applejacks?

So, I'm hoping that through this blog I can meet some ponyhomies who may be interested in trading to help me finish off my collection! If you live near London, Ontario, all the better. I do own the magical G1 Collector's Inventory by the amazing Summer Hayes, and have a list of my wants and doubles/triples/quadruples, which I plan to upload soon.

Exhibit E: Some of my doubles are in excellent condition.
This is not an example of one.
*shakes fist at the child who wrought this handiwork and is an adult now, unlike me.*

I have some other ideas for posts, all pony-related, perhaps addressing the whole "Brony" phenomenon, new finds, old finds, etc. I've been a MLP fan since Dream Valley was a just circle of plastic monoliths and Rainbow Dash's ancestors roamed the plains and I plan to stick around for a while yet!